Welcome to IDGAR

Isotopic Database for
Global Atmospheric Research




What is IDGAR

IDGAR is a user-friendly online database for tracing air pollution, which is based on curated big data of the isotopic fingerprints of PM and their emissions. It was originally developed and now maintained by Dr. Dawei Lu, Dr. Zheng Zong, and Dr. Jingwei Zhang.

How does IDGAR work

Almost all the isotopic observation data of global PM and their emissions, including C, N, O, S, Si, Cu, Zn, Fe, Ni, Sr, Nd, and Pb, were curated in this database from our lab and publications. Moreover, the curated isotopic data is real time updated. By embedding the block chain techniques, a tamper-proof,public-shared isotopic tracer web were generated from the curated isotopic data. Then, the isotopic tracing web can be used for quantifying the emission of PM on site/regional/global scale, and revealing the spatiotemporal tendency of PM pollution.